Sackville Schools 2020

Sackville Schools 2020 is a group of volunteers – teachers, parents, and community members – working to transform K-12 education in Sackville. In the face of a highly uncertain future for their children, teachers, and schools as well as a lack of connection felt with centralized educational system in the province, these volunteers have conducted interviews and community visioning sessions to come up with a new vision for integrated, community-driven education.

Sackville Schools 2020 envisions a centralized learning campus that connects all levels of teaching and learning, designed to grow and shrink with the demographic changes in the community. This campus and learner-centered curriculum would emphasize deep learning, project-based and individualized programming, and experiential and outdoor learning beyond the walls of the school—elements of education that help children reach their full potential and instil within them a genuine love of learning.

There is much support for the vision of community-integrated education that Sackville Schools 2020 is working to further—including from the Minister of Education, Department of Education Officials, and business leaders in the province, who have recommended the Sackville Schools 2020 vision to the Premier.

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Fiona Black