Developing a Model School in Dorchester
Research and Experiential Education in Action: Development of a Model School in Dorchester
R-PEACE members have joined with the social enterprise group Dorchester Moving Forward to develop an action research project that would see the Dorchester Consolidated School as a Model School for the region. Slated for closure in 2015, the Moving Forward group fought to keep it open and they are now making the growth and development of the school the central focus of the village’s renaissance. R-PEACE researchers and their students will be partnering with the principal and teachers at DCS to develop a series of programs and methods that will act as a model for 21st Century teaching and learning. Model components include a commitment to outdoor environmental education, gardens and trails, community-based experiential teaching and learning, as well as whole-school cultural connections with Indigenous, French and English community groups. This project will be directly related to the development of a Rural and Small Towns Research Centre proposed for the village.
Various elements come together to help make DCS an excited place to teach and learn
The community came together to keep DCS open